- Bachelor’s degree in either finance or accounting.
- Experience handle finance control.
- Advance in finance budgeting and controlling.
- Familiar with corporate finance controller
- Familiar with budgeting and monitoring
- Expert in business process and SOP
- Fluent in English
- Must be current with regulations and compliance issues
- Strong supervisory skills required
Job Description:
- Manage team on input journal accounting, taxation matters, maintaincash flow and funding for daily transaction in finance and accounting
- Responsible to all reports internal, group package to holdingCompany and report to Government (OJK and BI).
- Part of team pricing committee to review agreement related to thefinance, accounting and taxation
- Lead the team to inital implement PSAK 71 (IFRS 9)
- Performed budget continous as controller the budget
- Assisted the statutory audit
- Assisted corporate planning division to analyse performance Companyon monthly basis and compare to the budget
- Review taxation for all daily transaction, prepare tax planning anddiscuss with Tax Office’s personnel for requested from Tax Office.
- Maintain cash flow and minimise funding on daily basis
- Update knowledge for all new regulation which has impact to theCompany